[Installtion Guide]

Android games with cache usually come in two files, mainly
- and OBB files

The APK is first installed, (you may launch it if required), this will create folder(s), where the OBB files will be placed.

I prepared A real good example;

How I installed CONTRACT KILLER 2, On My Android 4.0.4 (Ice cream Sandwich) device

1. Download the game cache -
i. CK2v2.0.0.apk
ii. CK2v2.0.0.zip

Now use a File Explorer, There are so many File Explorers to use for this, like ES Explorer, but I make use of WinZip, get WinZip for Android here
Which ever one that is easy for you, just use it to find the game CK2v2.0.0.zip

2. When you open the CK2v2.0.0.zip with your WinZip, you should find the content inside like the screenshot below

3. Extract/Unzip the contents which is inside the CK2v2.0.0.zip into the same folder in your Memory card, after extracting, the content should be a folder with name "CK2.0.0data"

i.e >>> /mnt.sdcard/.Winzip/files/CK2v20.zip/CK2v2.0.0data

4. Go back to your CK2v2.0.0.apk, Launch it,
It will prompt to connect to internet, Accept, once it downloads upto 3MB, Cancel it.
A Folder is Automatically created for you to place your game data.

5. Now, go to where you extracted CK2.0.0data, open the folder, you should see another Folder in it named "com.glu.contractkiller2" Copy the folder

Again, go to : sdCard >> Android >> obb >> Paste the game data folder here
Your items should look like the screenshot below

And we are done!

Go to your Menu, and Launch the Game, it will Load and play successfully


Large Android games can install, depending on your device-type, the game file extension (and) or website from which you downloaded the game from. Some Android Games come in Full, zipped in one folder, others come in parts, which you'll have to download each part and merge them into one folder, then you'll still have to come here and follow the steps to Install and Play it.

Did the steps above work for you? Or you still go through problems installing any Game on your Android device, let us know by dropping a comment.
Peace! -

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